Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tutorial Video for using Google Drive

Hi students

I recorded a video that will help you to start your final project which is making a group presentation.
Google Drive app will help to share your ideas, thoughts, and adjustments in one documents.
Check the below link and start creating google drive account

How to create Google Drive account?

The winner of Food and Nutrition project

Congratulations Sarah 
you are the winner for the second project 

Build your plate

Hi students 
think about this picture and try to build this plate by healthy meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
each of you has to assess classmates' dish and present your reasons of a healthy plate or not.

Podcast Assignment

Here  are a set of podcasts related to our chapter which is food nutrition I want you listen to one podcast and write your opinion in the comments and, we will discuss the your ideas tomorrow in class

NutritionFacts.org By Michael Greger, M.D.tionFacts.org

By Michael Greger, M.D.


By Michael Greger, M.D.


By Michael Greger, M.D.

New Chapter

Tomorrow we will start new chapter which is food nutrition
Please check this link to support your knowledge about food nutrition and make comments of what you interested in..

Thought for Food

The Winner

Here is the best project for animal cell project

congrats your friend

Reminder ..

please do not forget tomorrow we have a review for exam

Be prepared please, we will play a game and the win team will get EXTRA CREDIT!!!

Here is a concept map that I made for you and may help you during study for exam..

Good luck,,

king fahad medical city

This is location of our trip tommorow to observe the lap in the king fahad medical city


Hi students,,

please read this article and make a comments

Scientists watch as bacteria evolve antibiotic resistance

Safety in Lap

Hi students
Pleas watch this video to be prepared for tommorw's class.


Introduction to the Science Course

Sixth Grade Science
Middle school science is organized into three primary courses that correlate to state standards: Earth/Space Science, Life Science, and Physical Science. Middle school science covers materials typically offered at the sixth to eighth grade level, although parents have the option of choosing a middle school science course if they have students in fourth grade and above. In addition, Nature of Science is provided as an added supplement with each of the middle school courses.

Earth/Space Science Course – Teaches students about Earth’s structure, geologic processes, plate tectonics, oceans and the water cycle, Earth’s atmosphere, weather and climate, our solar system, stars, and galaxies. Students also investigate how the motions of the sun, the moon, and Earth create days, seasons, years, eclipses, phases of the moon, and tides.
Life Science Course – Covers the characteristics of living things, plant and animal cell structures, the characteristics of unicellular and multicellular life, genetics, classification of organisms, the structure and function of human cells tissues organs and organ systems, and the structure and function of plants.
Physical Science Course – Covers chemistry and physics, including physical and chemical changes, atoms and elements, mixtures and solutions, the periodic table, states of matter, motion, gravity, density and buoyancy, energy, heat, the properties of waves, and light.
Nature Of Science Supplement – The Science of Nature materials are supplemental, recommended for use alongside the Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth/Space Science courses. It will be included when parents register for any middle school science course. Nature of science teaches students how to safely and correctly use scientific equipment, take measurements, conduct experiments and investigations, collect and analyze data, draw conclusions, evaluate evidence, and present their work.